On Tuesday, Her Majesty The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh stepped out onto the cobbled path in front of Sherborne Abbey to begin the south west part of the Jubilee Tour and the enormous cheer that went up must have been heard for miles!

Everyone was waiting – from the tiniest babes in arms to the residents of the Almshouses. The slightly gloomy weather was brightened up by Her Majesty’s fuchsia pink coat and hat and as The Queen walked along the Jubilee Food Fair there were pots of Marguerites surrounded by red and blue pansies – planted in lead tubs by Louise! Everyone loved the pots and they were made famous at 6.30 that night on BBC Points West!

When the Royal Train arrived in Sherborne we were on tea break at the Garden Centre and we all stood on pots and various benches and tables to catch a glimpse of the train and Her Majesty’s bright pink hat!

After the Food Fair, Her Majesty stepped into her car, and made the short journey to the Digby Memorial Hall for a 1950’s coffee morning. It was a wonderful day full of memories for so many people and the next day, The Abbey Green returned to normal with a couple of blackbirds pulling up worms where the Royal Feet had walked!

One more bit of news – we also got a phone call from the organisers of a special Olympic event, and it looks like we may be called on to supply some fabulous trees – we can’t tell you any more now but check back in July to find out the exciting details.

