…that’s right, this week real Christmas trees in many varieties have arrived at our Garden Centres. They come in many different styles; cut, blocked, rooted, containerised or container grown, and will all give you a fantastic display throughout the Christmas period.
Whichever style your tree is, the following guidelines will help to minimise needle drop and keep it looking fresh for longer.

1. Once you have your tree at home, remove the netting to allow it to regain its natural shape.
2. a) Cut 1-2 inches off the bottom (for cut trees) and stand in a bucket of water until you are ready to bring it into the house.
or b) For rooted trees plant the tree into a bucket or pot and keep moist.
or c) With blocked trees use the block to help wedge the tree into a bucket or pot for extra stability.
or d) Containerised trees and container grown trees can just be stood on a saucer to protect your carpet and keep moist.
3. Use a needle retention spray as this will help reduce the water loss through the needles and prevent them dropping. Spray the tree thoroughly prior to bringing it into the house.
4. Choose a position in the house away from direct heat and radiators.
5. Once in position keep the tree watered, check daily and top up as necessary and feed daily with Fito Needle Drop Stoppa.
6. Decorate and Enjoy!

Ruby the Routemaster has also arrived at Brimsmore Gardens! It was a definite breathe-in moment as she squeezed through a narrow gap to take up her position in the Garden Centre ready to be transformed for the arrival of Father Christmas. He’ll be in his grotto from Tuesday 11th December so do come along and meet him.