Today children, along with their parents and grandparents flocked to all three of our three garden centres for a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, and mad it was too! At Castle Gardens, the staff dressed up, we had, Alice and The Mad Hatter, of course, as well as The Queen of Hearts, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and The White Rabbit. Under the canopy we had a long table, decorated with colourful table cloths, tea pots of all shapes and sizes, flower windmills and a bubble machine. The children decorated top-hats and cup-cakes while and Fran read the story of the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.

Here are some pictures of the competition winners and more…


IMG_2115 IMG_2301 IMG_2319 Madd-hatters-2 madd-hatters-cakes Mad-Hatters-characters Mia-Roberts-winnner-of-the- Candifloss Connie-Barratt,-winner-of-t DSCF5265 hat-winner