We’re always extremely proud to support local initiatives that encourage the community, especially the younger generation, to get gardening, so last Friday Adam, Steve and Mark planted eight new trees on Stilby Road in Yeovil, as part of a new community project led by Westfield Community Association. The resident-run group, which is working to improve local communal green space, also enlisted the help of six Year 8 and 9 students from Westfield Academy, otherwise known as the Green Space Invaders, who all braved the cold weather and helped dig, plant and secure the trees on the plot, just up the road from their school.

As well as having a positive impact on our own wellbeing, beautiful green spaces are essential for wildlife too, so this project is definitely one to get behind. We hope the students enjoy looking after the trees and that the local community will feel a sense of pride in their new surroundings, drawing pleasure in watching the new plants blossom, grow and change throughout the seasons.
