Blue Spruce Christmas Trees - credit: Needlefresh

Our highly successful Christmas tree collection scheme is back for another year. Once again, we would like to offer anyone who buys their Christmas tree at The Gardens Group a free collection service throughout January.

With an average of 1,500 Christmas trees to collect and 7,500 bags of peat free compost to deliver in January, we have devised a system that allows for fewer journeys to reduce our carbon footprint. All our vans will leave Castle Gardens, Brimsmore Gardens or Poundbury Gardens full with bags of compost and on return be filled with your Christmas trees.

These trees will then be recycled, chipped, and used for soil improvement schemes on the Sherborne Castle Estate and throughout our garden centres. By doing this, we are making real Christmas trees more sustainable than ever, while still allowing you to enjoy the most traditional of festive pleasures.
