Responsible sourcing and minimising our impact on the planet is something we take very seriously, so we took the decision to remove carnivorous plants from our range until we were confident that we had found a suitable supplier. Sarah, Emmelene and Katie, who run the houseplant departments at our garden centres, have spent months researching and gaining knowledge about these amazing plants and their global conservation status, with the aim of finding an ethical, reliable, and quality supplier.

The carnivorous plant collections at each centre have been commercially grown to avoid any impact on native habitats and wild populations.

Within the new range are:
Sarracenia, which catch and digest insects in their trumpet-like upright hooded pitchers
‘Monkey Cups’ (Nepenthes), that display pendulous lidded pitchers to trap insects
Sundews (Drosera) with sticky dew-drop-like tentacles
Venus fly trap (Dionaea muscipula)

We have planted a number of bog bowls to showcase the colourful displays that can be achieved at home, while creating a microclimate that allows other houseplants to thrive.
